Sunday 2 August 2015

Why diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment is essential?

Many people blame the loss of memory on aging, which is in some cases right. Memory loss is a common effect that comes with aging. But sometimes, it is not just aging that is causing memory issues in an individual. It can be the mild cognitive impairment (MCI).
MCI is a medical condition or syndrome that causes issues with the cognitive functions in an individual. These issues may not be significant enough to affect patient’s daily activities, but they are still there. MCI’s symptoms include difficulty in decision-making, trouble in remembering common things or important events, problems with language and visuospatial skills etc.

As above-mentioned, many people blame these symptoms on aging. But, it is essential to get proper diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment if you or your loved ones are experiencing these symptoms. Why this diagnosis is important? Answer is –
Increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease – An individual suffering from the mild cognitive impairment is at a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Getting symptoms diagnosed is an easy way to determine if an individual is suffering from MCI or not. It can prevent patient’s condition from getting worse as physicians can take proper action. This medical condition can also lead to several other neurological conditions.
It is common for people to ignore symptoms – It is quite common for people to overlook signs of MCI or blame it on aging. Usually, people never look too much into it until it is too late. If it is ignored for a long time, it can lead to worse medical conditions. This is why it is essential to get proper diagnosis, so that physicians can take proper action regarding controlling it.
People don’t know about its risk factors – Most individuals never know about the risk factors of the mild cognitive impairment, which increases the risk even more. Lack of knowledge makes MCI more dangerous as patients’ or their loved ones do not what they are up against.
Nevertheless, its risk factors are aging, diabetes, depression, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. If you are suffering from any of these medical problems as well as with MCI’s symptoms, then you must get proper diagnosis.
However, you must know that there is no particular or specific medical test to diagnose this medical condition. Physicians make the decision of taking blood tests, clinical observation etc., on the basis of symptoms. Even these tests are performed if there is no dementia diagnosed. In addition, there is definite mild cognitive impairment treatment  NYC and other cities.

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